Grief and Trauma Academy
By Nathalie Himmelrich
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Modalities I recommend
These are modalities that I recommend and follow, and you should too. Check them out!
Somatic Experience
Somatic Experiencing (SE), or somatic experiencing therapy, developed by Peter A. Levine, PhD, is aimed at treating trauma and stress-related disorders, such as PTSD. It is a treatment that focuses on physical sensations in the body, or how the body feels. The primary goal of SE is to modify the trauma-related stress response through bottom-up processing.
Polyvagal Theory
The Polyvagal Theory was proposed and developed by Dr Stephen Porges. Polyvagal Theory emphasizes the role the autonomic nervous system – especially the vagus nerve – plays in regulating our health and behavior. The theory has three defining principles: the hierarchy of the autonomic nervous system (ANS), neuroception, and co-regulation.
Schema Therapy (ST) is an integrative approach introduced by Jeff Young that brings together elements from cognitive behavioral therapy, attachment and object relations theories, and Gestalt and experiential therapies.
This form of therapy targets maladaptive patterns of thinking that can cause unhealthy behavior or relationship problems.