It is said that all we have is the present. While that is true, it is also true that in essence, past, present, and future are one. We are connected energetically to both past and future. Life is an evolving story and where we are now is a result of where we have been.
If feelings and emotions are resurfacing from deep within you and you may find yourself on an emotional roller coaster do not fight them, this is all fine. It is important to occasionally remember and honour your past, for it is part of you, part of your soul’s journey. Yet remember to honour every part of it, regardless of wheter you perceive parts to be good or bad, for in some way every experience has helped to expand your understanding and appreciation of life.
Occasionally reflecting on the past is healthy, just as giving some thought to your future is wise. However excessive preoccupation with either only serves to rob you of the present moment and that serves no real purpose.
Source: Toni Carmine Salerno