1. Happiness is accepting “what is” and getting on with life. Recriminations or regrets have no place in happiness.
2. Happiness is a natural state of being, just choose it and make it happen. You will never be happier than you expect to be, so raise your expectations.
3. Happiness is savouring every moment in the present. Spending too much time in the past or the future is robbing you of your NOW.
Time NOW is your life NOW. Treasure it.
4. Happiness is developing the wisdom to know what is in your control and what isn’t and accepting it. Knowing that you can only control yourself.
5. Happiness is making time for yourself every day in any way you choose and allowing others the same right.
6. Happiness is appreciating what you ALREADY have and not dreaming your life away.
7. Happiness is letting all of the people in your life know how much you love and appreciate them now. Live each moment as if it is your last.
In the end, what matters is;
How well did you live
How well did you love
How well did you learn to let go
How do you make sure you experience happiness?
Happy to read your comments 🙂